Where does the information come from?
To create a Soul Reading, I connect energetically with your Soul's archive, your so-called "Akashic Record." Your personal Record contains, among other things, all the experiences you have ever had, all the choices you have ever made, and all the emotions that have accompanied these choices and experiences. In this Record, not only your current life is documented, but also all the other existences you have had since you set out on your path of evolution as an individualized aspect of Source.
Where are the Akashic Records located?
The general consensus is that the Akashic Records reside in energetic form in fifth density, the plane of light and wisdom. In quantum hypnosis sessions, they often present themselves in the form of a gigantic library or great hall, containing in countless books or scrolls the records of everything that has ever happened or will ever happen. However, these are probably just metaphors to help us understand something that has no material form and does not exist in any specific physical "place."
How do I transfer the fee?
After choosing your desired reading format and the modules you would like to commission in addition to the mandatory basic module BP ("Soul Blueprint"), the respective full amount is to be paid via PayPal (paypal.me/thesouljourneys or info@thesouljourneys.com) or by bank transfer (IBAN: AT96 2050 8000 0154 1952 / BIC: SPRTAT21XXX). You can find a list of the modules and current fees here (all prices incl. VAT). Please note that module prices vary depending on the reading format you choose! If you decide to pay via PayPal, please select the payment method ‘family and friends’ to help avoid high transaction fees. Please include only your name, the modules you have selected (e.g., Basic, M1, M5, etc.), and the desired format in which you would like to receive your material in the payment reference. This will make sure the transfer gets associated with your booking. Once the fee is received, I will be able to start with the preparations for the reading. Please note that there are no refunds - except for the below-explained case of a Soul veto.
Can I get an invoice?
Of course. When booking, please let me know if you would like an invoice issued, and send me your full name and address. To ensure your invoice is accurate, please also provide the country you reside in and specify whether you are booking as a private customer (B2C) or a business customer (B2B). In case of the latter, I will also need your VAT tax ID number.
What information will I receive?
Each Soul Reading starts with and therefore includes the basic module "Soul Blueprint." The rest very much depends on the additional modules you choose and the intention you have for the reading. Click here to find detailed descriptions of the various options.
Was does the preparation look like?
Once you have decided to receive a Soul Reading and your booking has been made, I only need a few details from you to locate your record in the Akashic Records and begin with the creation of your reading. The submission of this information symbolizes your consent for me to look at your Record. Without your consent, this would not be possible. After you have given it, I will also ask your Higher Self and Soul for their permission. Once received, I can start. I will briefly inform you and begin with the creation of your reading.
What if my Soul does not give its consent?
Occasionally, it happens that a Higher Self or Soul does not give access to its Akashic Record, even though the incarnated personality wants and has given its permission. This would occur only if obtaining Soul-level information would not be beneficial for the development of the personality at that time. We have to respect such a "veto" on our plane; unfortunately, an insight into the Record is not possible then. In such a rare case, I would simply inform you, give you a full refund, and recommend you perhaps try again after some time has passed (or possibly consider a quantum hypnosis session).
How will I receive my reading?
It depends on the reading format you choose: either as an audio recording, which will be sent to you by email and can be listened to at any time, as a written report that I create individually for you and send as a PDF, or in a personal 1:1 call via Zoom, where we will go through and discuss your material together. Let me know your preferred option when booking so you can receive your reading in the format that suits you best. Please note that for the PDF and 1:1 call formats, an additional percentage fee (PDF: 22%/call: 33%) will be added to the total price of your selected modules.
Can we discuss my reading in person in any case?
Yes, we can (at additional costs). If you received your reading as an audio recording or PDF and you feel the need to talk about it or would like me to clarify something for you, please contact me within 48 hours of receiving your material, and we will try to find an appointment for a Zoom or phone call of either 30 minutes (€33) or 60 minutes (€66) in length within a week. As a Record reader, my own energetic cleansing process includes letting go of my clients' material by leaving their Akashic Record and deleting the information from my memory after one week. After that, I can no longer be available for specific questions about the material.
How many readings can I have done?
As a rule, it makes sense to have only one full Akashic Reading done in a lifetime. Most of the information received is eternal and, therefore, would not change over time. However, some of the information does change as we evolve and can be requested multiple times or even regularly (e.g., a Life Situation Reading, Chakra Analysis, parts of the Soul Profile, and Soul Realignment). The Records work in a way that they will always give you the most helpful information at the time. For example, the second time around, Spirit knows you’ve already had the first lot of information. (Every time someone goes into your Akashic Record to do research on your behalf, this is noted.) Spirit uses the second reading to pass on the next lot of info that might be relevant to you. But of course, the second lot of information is going to be somewhat less relevant than the first. If you have already experienced an Akashic reading (from me or someone else) in this lifetime, please let me know, so we can discuss what information would be helpful for you.
What is the accuracy of a reading?
In my experience, most skilled intuitives and Akashic Record readers have an accuracy rate of 80-90%. This is a natural aspect of psychic readings, and anyone claiming 100% accuracy is most probably not being honest. Therefore, if you have received several readings in your life and there are discrepancies between them, this might simply be due to the inherent inaccuracies of the readers involved. In such cases, it's essential to focus on what resonates with you personally and discard what does not fit. We're all human after all.
Can I commission readings for other people?
There are universal moral and ethical restrictions valid here that must be respected. The Akashic Records only allow readings to be done for a third person without their explicit permission if the person commissioning the reading has responsibility for that person (e.g. minors or those in need of care) or if they strongly influence their life by sharing the same household (e.g. spouses and partners). Furthermore, such a reading is only possible if the intention behind it is to better understand a fellow human being and thus to better support them on their journey. If this intention is not present, the soul of the person to be read would not allow access. So there is a "built-in safety mechanism" for all involved. Nevertheless, I would recommend to always ask the third person for their permission - even in the case of a reading that is commissioned as a gift for a loved one.
Can only certain people read the Records?
No. I would like to emphasize that every human being has the innate right and ability to read their Akashic Record. This aspect belongs firmly to our existence, and on YouTube you can find many wonderful guided meditations on the subject to help you with this. However, it is like cooking, driving, or singing, for example: if you haven't devoted yourself to it, you will quickly reach your limits and find it difficult to produce high-quality and time-efficient results. Besides, there are certain energetic phenomena that can make it difficult to access true information. Unfortunately, they are not recognizable to the layperson. Working with someone who has been professionally trained in reading and interpreting the Records therefore makes a lot of sense, and I am delighted to be able to do this for you!