Legal notice
Introductory description for spiritual or energetic healing
There are no diagnoses for spiritual or energetic healing work. The body's own intelligences and abilities of the healer as well as the patient's body intelligence decide that the energy impulse flows wherever it is actually needed. Energetic healing work always acts as a help for self-help or as an impulse, so that the body reactivates its self-healing powers, which are inherent in all of us, and in this way also supports all forms of medical therapies used.
Legal basis
Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on March 2, 2004 (AZ: 1 BvR 784/03) in the interests of the healers: Anyone who activates the patient's self-healing powers by laying on hands and does not make any diagnoses does not need a naturopathic permit. However, the prerequisites for this without an alternative practitioner permit are: The healer must inform his clients in writing that his or her work does not replace the work of a doctor or alternative practitioner. This notice must either be given to the client as a leaflet before (!) the treatment, or it must be clearly visible on a clearly visible notice in the treatment room. There is nothing more to consider.
Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court for Spiritual Healing without a medical practitioner license
Healers who practice the laying on of hands to activate the self-healing powers of their clients differ fundamentally from the appearance of a doctor or alternative practitioner. For this reason, the Heilpraktikergesetz does not apply here. The same applies to activities and healing methods that are of a spiritual nature. The inner reason for this is that no diagnoses are made by the healer. Targeted disease treatment is permitted if the diagnosis comes from a doctor or alternative practitioner. The doctor or alternative practitioner can therefore send clients to the healer. The healer does not have to work in the doctor's or HP practice. He can work at home. This is also not a problem for the doctor or alternative practitioner, as he does not transfer medical responsibility, but pastoral responsibility. Diagnoses such as analyzes using radionics, prescription of Bach flowers, essences or other means that are to be used as remedies are prohibited. Advertising in any form with medical histories or thank you letters, and advertising for items with supposed healing properties. The healer is responsible for ensuring that the client does not mistake him for a doctor / alternative practitioner and that spiritual healing is not confused with medical medicine / medicine. For this reason, the Federal Constitutional Court requires the healer to provide explanatory information.