Each Soul Reading I create is as unique as the person requesting it! This uniqueness stems not only from the information in each individual's personal Akashic Record but also from the intentions of the requester. The Akashic Records are an energetic structure that aligns with the energy of the person for whom the information is being gathered. To honor this individuality and the diverse needs of my clients, I've developed a modular system. This allows you to easily customize the content of your personal Soul Reading! Based on your selection, I will extract the relevant information from your Record and present it to you in the format of your choice. Here's how it works:​
1. Choose your preferred reading format.
2. Select the modules you want me to explore in your Record.
2. I will access your Akashic Record to gather the relevant information.
3. I will prepare your material: as an audio recording, PDF, or for a 1:1 call.
4. You will receive your personal Akashic Soul Reading in your preferred format.
THE FORMAT: You Decide!

Audio Recording (MP3)
The best value format!
Receive your Akashic reading as an audio recording that you can listen to anytime. This compact and flexible option saves time and presents the most information clearly and concisely. Perfect for those looking for easy and straightforward access to their material.​​​​

Written Report (PDF)
The classic format!
You will receive your Akashic reading as a detailed, individually crafted written report that you can refer to again and again. This thorough and carefully formulated option provides long-term clarity and the opportunity to reflect on the messages at your own pace.​​​​

1:1 Call (Zoom)
The premium format!
Dive into your Akashic reading in a one-on-one Zoom conversation with me. In this interactive exchange, you can ask questions and engage directly with the information you receive. A personal and profound experience where your topics are explored individually.​​​
THE BASIS: Your Soul's "Blueprint"
To accurately understand and interpret information from your personal Akashic Record, it's essential to know your Soul's "Blueprint" (BP). It includes the dominant energetic quality your Soul embodies and your original galactic Soul Group. This Blueprint reveals whether you are a native Earth Soul or a Starseed, for instance. The Blueprint forms the foundation for the modules and is a mandatory component of every Soul Reading I create. With this foundational knowledge, your Soul Reading can be tailored to provide the most relevant and insightful information for you on your path! (*)
(*) If booked individually, the Blueprint module is available exclusively in the written PDF format.

€ 99
THE MODULES: Make Your Choice!
M1: Soul Profile
The Soul Profile encompasses additional vital aspects of your Self. It reveals the energy ray that is currently activating for you in your field (and life), your psychic gifts and abilities, the three primary lessons or themes of your incarnation, your current vibrational rate, as well as your Soul's interests/specializations.

€ 99
M2: Life Lessons
While the "Soul Profile" module identifies the three primary lessons or themes of your current incarnation, this module allows for a deeper analysis of them. You will discover your primary and secondary lessons, the life areas in which they manifest, and the progress you have made in working through them!

€ 99
M3: High Vibe Team
With this module, you will receive a detailed overview of the personal higher-dimensional Team that supports you during this incarnation. I will identify the members of your Team and provide information on how to work with them and cultivate your connection! This also includes a general overview of your Spirit Guides.

€ 99
M4: Spirit Guides
In the "High Vibe Team" module, you learn about the number of Spirit Guides you have and the main Guide who has been with you since birth. The M4 module goes further by examining each Guide in more detail: their names, appearances, origins, qualities, roles within your team, and how they communicate with you!

€ 99
M5: Chakra Analysis
In this module, I will use your Akashic Records to identify which of your energy centers are out of balance on physical, mental, and emotional levels. I will also provide you with new measures to restore balance on each level and optimize the flow of your creative energy. This analysis is a great one to commission regularly!

€ 99
M6: Past Lives
In this module, I will delve into your Soul's archive of experiences to uncover significant incarnations you have had on Earth. The information may reveal influential patterns and connections that are manifesting in your current life or simply satisfy your curiosity about the unique journey your Soul has taken through time.

€ 99
M7: Soul Connection (*)
In this module, I examine the Soul-level connection between you and another person in your life (e.g. life partner, friend, parent, sibling, colleague, business partner). This includes uncovering shared history, karma, contracts, and lessons. You'll also learn about any energetic blockages between you and how to resolve them.

€ 199
M8: Karmic Blockages
This profound module provides insights into those past lives of yours where you made choices with karmic consequences that still affect you today. It focuses on uncovering the root causes of negative patterns and, more importantly, on resolving them through personalized "homework," helping you realign to your true Self!

€ 199
M9: Situation Analysis
While the "Karmic Blockages" module reveals all the negative karmic patterns your Higher Self deems ready for clearing, this module allows me to analyze the energetic cause of up to four specific current patterns and blockages you are experiencing in your life and wish to clear!

€ 199
(*) Please note that this module (M7) requires conscious permission from the other person for me to access their Akashic Record—unless you have legal responsibility for them or continuously share a household with them!

You can find more information about the Akashic Records, the process, and more in the FAQ section.​
Please use the contact form to make a booking request for your Akashic Soul Reading.
I am looking forward to working with your Record!