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Quantum hypnosis is a unique, progressive, and holistic branch of hypnosis that was developed in the second half of the 20th century by well-known US-American regression pioneers such as Brian Weiss, Michael Newton (1931-2016), and especially Dolores Cannon (1931-2014). It enables human beings to immerse themselves in past lives or other experiences of their Soul and tune into higher dimensions and thus into their own Superconscious/Higher Self. Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) is probably the best-known modality of this kind, with the training of which my quantum hypnosis path began in 2014. Since 2018, in addition to QHHT®, I have also been facilitating quantum hypnosis sessions with my own modality, the Transformative Soul Journey, which is in resonance with the Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) concept and can be experienced not only in person but also online!


Although each session is unique, the basic structure of all the modalities and session types I offer is similar: After you have entered a very pleasant, deep hypnotic trance with my help, a thorough and very often emotionally intense exploration of past (or other) lives of yours usually takes place first - one or even several, depending on the session format you choose. For this purpose, your Superconscious/Higher Self selects those incarnations from your Record that are relevant to your current situation. Then, during a direct dialogue between me and your Superconscious/Higher Self, your specific issues, questions, and physical ailments will be thoroughly discussed and worked on. You can find a more detailed description of the session process here. Please note that in these sessions, your Superconscious/Higher Self is really the director of the experience and, depending on what they deem to be appropriate and necessary for you at the time, the structure of your journey might deviate from the norm.








A quantum hypnosis session is a profound and transformative experience that can enable you to


  • understand yourself and your life better.

  • get answers to questions that you have always wondered about.

  • learn the causes of physical, mental, and/or emotional ailments and heal them.

  • receive insight into the background of talents, passions, dislikes, phobias.

  • resolve blockages of a physical, mental, and/or emotional nature as well as latent trauma.

  • to achieve the greatest possible clarity and to increase your energetic frequency.

  • to follow your self-chosen soul path more efficiently and live your destiny.

  • to experience and strengthen the connection to your Higher Wisdom.


      ...and so much more!








Before the hypnosis part of the session begins, we'll take sufficient time to go over your list, talk about the process, and answer any remaining questions you might have. To ensure that what is important to you can get addressed in your session, the list must not contain more than the booked number of issues with one or two questions attached to each, which are to be arranged according to subject areas and priority. The careful compilation, formulation, and organization of the questions is already an essential element of the process, which often sets things in motion and sometimes even resolves some of them in advance of the session itself.



With the help of either Dolores Cannon's original hypnosis script (QHHT) or my self-developed and flexible hypnosis induction (TSJ), you will be guided safely and gently into the necessary state of hypnotic trance. 


Interaction with the Superconscious/Spiritual Team

Quantum hypnosis creates a framework of contact and interaction between the Human Self (Conscious Mind) and the Higher Self (Superconscious Mind) or the Spiritual Team. This is made possible by your decision to tackle your problems and life questions and to open yourself up to the help and support of other levels of your consciousness and the higher dimensions. How this interaction is taking place can be different for each client. Common elements are explorations of other lifetimes/existences and the transdimensional dialogue between the practitioner and the client's Higher Self or members of their Spiritual Team. 


Physical Healing

The Superconscious/Team has the ability to identify any physical issue it detects within the body and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or another. It is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved. It must be understood that healing can only occur if specific requirements are met.



Once you are out of hypnosis, we will have a brief conversation about your unique experience and make sure you are grounded and fully present in your body again. You will be briefed about your session recording, which you will receive by email on the next day, and which I highly recommend you listen to at least (!) once in the days after - even if you think you remember everything. You will also receive suggestions on self-care after the session and how to make the best of your experience before we say goodbye. 


Believe. Trust. Allow.

Each soul has its own path and its own timing. What works for one is not appropriate for another, and therefore different experiences are being made. Quantum hypnosis sessions are as individual as the people who experience them. Even I as the practitioner can't predict what the Superconscious/Team is going to show and reveal. Over the years, I have learned to trust them. They know what they are doing. When cooperating with the Superconscious/Team, nothing can be forced. Whatever happens is what is necessary and possible for each client. In my experience, the more relaxed and unbiased clients are when going into a session, the more wonderful their experience will be. Everything is possible!








Please do not consume any drugs to relax before your session - alcohol, marijuana or chemical relaxants. Hypnotherapy is about connecting with your feelings, and this cannot take place if you are under the influence of drugs. I advise taking the medication prescribed by your doctor, but be aware, for example, in the case of antidepressants, that they can interfere with the ability to connect with one's feelings.


Ability to Relax

It is normal and only human to be a little nervous. The following exercise can help you achieve a comfortable state of relaxation on the day of your session: simply close your eyes and focus your attention first on your breath and then on any part of your body where you notice tension. Breathe into each until you feel the tension ease or dissipate. Stay in this state as long as you can, localizing any tension until your whole body is easily and effortlessly relaxed. (If you fall asleep while practicing, that is okay.).


Being Awake

You must be awake, able to concentrate, and able to follow my instructions. Hypnosis is NOT SLEEP. Therefore, a session cannot be done properly if a person's mind is too tired and exhausted to concentrate. If you meditate regularly, do so on the morning of your appointment to clear your mind. Alternatively, you can simply do something that calms you, such as taking a relaxing walk, listening to soothing music, or petting your pet.



Don't forget to drink plenty of water! Water is a tremendously potent carrier of energy, and that's exactly what we'll be working with during your session: energy. We will channel it, move it, and make it flow. Your session will therefore not be affected if you need to empty your bladder one or more times during your session. (In fact, each time you go out of hypnosis and back into it, you go a little deeper). My tip: Also, pack a light snack for the way home.



Because you'll be lying down for several hours, you should wear clean, comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that won't cut off your circulation or overheat you. If you usually wear socks to sleep, bring some with you. If you wear makeup, you should apply it only lightly on the day of your session, as tears are known to make eyeliner and mascara run... 



Please wear clean clothes, use deodorant, and avoid strong fragrances, scented oils or perfume. If you use oils or dyed your hair before the session, the sweat may stain the pillowcase I provide for you. In this case, let me know before we begin, so I can put a towel on the pillow, or bring your own. 


Freedom from Expectation

Each quantum hypnosis session is unique. You will experience exactly what you need at that time. Release yourself from any expectation of how you "should" feel in hypnotic trance or how your session will go. All hypnosis is, at its core, self-hypnosis. I act only as a facilitator and guide. Hypnosis is NOT SLEEP. So you will not lose consciousness, but may feel wide awake and present throughout the entire journey. Since hypnosis is NOT SLEEP, it feels like a very vivid daydream to most people. Most people also know exactly what they are saying at all times and remember almost everything afterwards. For that reason, many think that they are imagining everything. This is normal, because hypnosis is a very normal altered state of concentrated consciousness for all of us, and therefore usually doesn't feel much different from a daydream. My tip: Just enjoy the experience and let your soul guide you!


inspired by: Alba Weinman






If you are able to honestly declare all of the following statements, you are a very good candidate for quantum hypnosis. They present the required mindset and physical conditions. If there are any statements that you still need to fully grasp and integrate, take your time and make your booking once you are ready. Note: Not checking all the boxes does not automatically mean that you can't or shouldn't experience a session! Feel free to chat with me about your specific condition or belief, and we can together determine whether Quantum Healing is beneficial for you. In any case, I always recommend listening to your intuition before booking a session. 



  • I believe that I am more than a body and a mind.   


  • I believe that all the answers to my questions can be found inside my Self.


  • I understand that, in essence, each and every kind of healing is self-healing. I might want/need help, but no one except me is responsible for my health and well-being. 


  • I understand that, in its essence, each and every kind of hypnosis is self-hypnosis. How far/deep I go depends most of all on how far/deep I allow myself to go. 


  • I understand that under hypnosis, I am neither asleep nor unconscious or submissive. I am aware of what is taking place, and I am always in control of myself and of what is happening. 


  • I am willing to let go of any fears and specific expectations I might be holding. I do this in order to not limit the spectrum of possibilities during my experience. I trust my Higher Self/Team, that they know what I need, and I am aware of the possibility that what I need might differ from what I want.


  • I understand that there can't be any guarantees. Each session is unique and results are individual. The practitioner is neither my healer nor my guide but rather my facilitator who is helping me find my answers & healing inside myself. It is my journey.  


  • I am currently not taking prescription medication for mental illness/anxiety/depression/sleep disorder. 


  • I don't use controlled substances, recreational drugs or mind-altering substances regularly, including excessive alcohol consumption, and I am able to refrain from them completely for 1-2 weeks.


  • I don't suffer from epileptic seizures or other life-threatening conditions such as severe asthma, hear arrhythmia etc. 







Once you have completed your booking, you will receive an email with detailed information on how to prepare for your session, as well as a checklist to make sure you will have done everything important before your appointment begins. Please note: Experience with hypnosis, meditation, and visualization is not a must for a quantum hypnosis experience (but certainly a plus).


Legal Requirements

At the start of your appointment, you will need to fill out three forms before we can begin with the preliminary talk and subsequently conduct the session. Those forms are necessary for any kind of hypnosis work, and they serve both our information and protection. They include a checklist for contraindications, a liability release, and a client intake form. I will send them to you during preparation.







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You can find more information, such as length, prices, logistics, and much more, in the FAQ section. 


Please use the contact form to make a booking request for your quantum hypnosis session.


I am looking forward to our adventure!


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